Merriwa Central School

Valuing individual potential - achieving personal best

Telephone02 6548 2119

Clean Up Australia Day

Clean up Australia Day logo

We are excited to inform you that all K-12 studetns will be participating in Clean Up Australia Day on Friday 28 February.  This even provides a valuable opportunity for students to engage in environmental activities that promote awareness, and in the afternoon, they will be actively involved in cleaning up both our school grounds and the surrounding community:

  • Years 4/5: Walking the school block to collect litter
  • Years 5/6: Heading to the main street to tidy up
  • Infants and Years 3/4: Cleaning up our school grounds
  • Secondary students: Cleaning their campus, surrounding school block and the showground.

We appreciate your support as we encourage our students to take pride in their local environment and contribute to a cleaner, greener future.